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building v buying logistics tech

Building vs. Buying Your Logistics Technology: How to Do Both

When it comes to enhancing operational efficiency in logistics, companies often face a critical decision: should they build their own logistics technology solutions, or buy existing systems? This blog post explores how a cloud-based Transportation Management System (TMS) like Turvo provides the best of both worlds, offering powerful out-of-the-box functionality along with extensive customization capabilities through its fully built API. This dual approach enables logistics companies to leverage the strengths of both building and buying to fully optimize their technology investment.

The Advantages of Buying: Immediate Functionality and Reliability

Purchasing an established logistics technology solution like Turvo’s cloud TMS provides numerous immediate benefits. Companies gain access to a robust platform that has been tested and proven across various industry scenarios, ensuring reliability and stability. This approach drastically reduces the time and resources needed for deployment compared to building a system from scratch. Additionally, a purchased TMS comes with continuous updates and support, helping to keep the system at the cutting edge without additional investment in research and development from the user.

The Flexibility of Building: Customization and Tailored Solutions

While buying a TMS provides a solid foundation of functionality, the ability to customize and extend its capabilities is where companies can truly tailor solutions to their unique needs. Turvo’s cloud TMS features a fully built API, allowing businesses to build additional tools and integrations on top of the platform. This flexibility enables companies to integrate the TMS seamlessly with other systems and workflows, enhancing data connectivity and operational visibility across the supply chain.

Combining Building and Buying for Strategic Advantage

Integrating the building and buying approaches provides a comprehensive solution that maximizes the benefits of both strategies. Here’s how Turvo facilitates this integration:
  1. Core Functionality Out-of-the-Box: Turvo provides a high level of core functionality that covers the full spectrum of TMS needs, from order management to route optimization and real-time shipment tracking. This ready-to-use capability ensures that companies can start reaping the benefits of the system immediately.
  2. Custom Development Opportunities: Through Turvo’s API, companies have the freedom to develop custom applications or integrate third-party services that complement and enhance the TMS. Whether it’s adding advanced analytics, incorporating AI-driven forecasting tools, or linking with CRM systems, the API makes it possible to tailor the solution to precise business requirements.
  3. Scalability and Adaptability: As business needs evolve, the logistics technology must keep pace. The combination of a robust core system with the ability to continuously build and adapt the technology stack ensures that companies can scale and modify their logistics operations without the need for frequent, costly overhauls.

Harnessing the Full Power of Logistics Technology

Choosing between building and buying your logistics technology is no longer an either/or proposition. With a solution like Turvo’s cloud TMS, logistics companies can enjoy the immediate benefits of a proven, robust platform while retaining the ability to customize and extend functionality as needed through development. This strategy ensures that businesses can adapt to changing market conditions and maintain a competitive edge by leveraging logistics technology tailored precisely to their needs. Explore how Turvo’s cloud TMS can transform your logistics operations. Visit our website to schedule a demo today and see how our integrated approach to building and buying can benefit your company.

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