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Neon Logistics

Sticking to Core Values, Neon Logistics Sheds Light on Its TMS Selection Story and Why They Returned to Turvo

In an engaging episode of Supply Chain Now, Scott Luton and Mary Kate Love hosted an insightful discussion with Cody Graham, founder and president of Neon Logistics, and Anthony Ceritelli, senior director of customer success at Turvo. This conversation shed light on the transformative journey of Neon Logistics with their Transportation Management System (TMS) provider, Turvo, highlighting the importance of aligning technology to company values, culture, and goals and staying the course. Veering off course can be costly as you’ll learn here. It also underscores the significance of having transparency, honesty, and trust with technology partners.

The Journey Begins

The narrative begins with a reflection on the cautionary tale that “The grass isn’t always greener on the other side,” a principle that Neon Logistics experienced firsthand. Initially, Neon Logistics chose Turvo as its TMS because it aligned with its core values of communication and transparency and providing the very best customer experience. Turvo is unlike any other TMS solution because of its collaboration technology that puts shippers, carriers, and partners on the same platform working on shipments in real time, solving problems together.

The journey took a wrong turn when Neon Logistics began to compare Turvo features with another TMS and lost sight of its goals. It became a technical evaluation versus focusing on core accountability. For example, there was more efficiency in the back office on a rival TMS. So, Neon decided to move away from Turvo, seeking what they perceived to be a better solution. This decision was driven by a desire to explore a TMS platform that promised to solve all their challenges. However, this move away from Turvo brought unexpected setbacks and more problems than solutions as no one TMS software solves all challenges for all companies. One of the many benefits of Turvo is its ability to become the center of a logistics provider’s operation with best of breed logistics solutions integrating from its extensive partner network.  

Cody said,We got away from our core accountability because the new system didn’t provide the transparency and collaboration that Turvo does.”

Ultimately it was the lack of communication and visibility in the new TMS system that drove Neon Logistics back to Turvo. 

The Cost of a Switch

Cody openly shared the impact of switching TMS providers on their business operations and customer service. The new platform, while seemingly promising, fell short in critical areas such as freight management functions, leading to service issues that Neon had not anticipated. The switch also had a significant financial impact, with Cody candidly revealing that the move cost Neon Logistics around $1,000,000 in total, including lost business, time, and resources.

“The transition in general was a bigger lift than I ever anticipated in terms of time and resources, from everybody from the exec team throughout the whole organization, it was immense. We had a cultural impact – we switched to this different TMS – and our people learned that they really loved Turvo AFTER we switched to the new TMS.”
cody graham
Cody Graham
President, Neon Logistics

Realization & Return

The realization that Neon Logistics made a mistake by switching TMS providers was a turning point in their journey. Feedback from team members and customers highlighted the unique features and efficiencies provided by Turvo, which were sorely missed.

According to Cody, “Turvo has a really unique UI…a really good Instant Messenger feature built into it…notifications that alert you whenever anything happens or potentially might happen on your shipment…Tracking links that give visibility to our customers. And we have a lot of Gen Z employees, a younger workforce accustomed to these unique features.”

Turvo is a modern platform that creates a social-media like network for logistics companies and their customers and carriers. It’s user-friendly and behaves like consumer tech which appeals to today’s brokerages and the transportation workforce. The expectation is for easy-to-use systems, mobile tools that travel wherever we do, notifications that keep us from having to hunt for information, instant messaging, Google-like search for orders, inventory, shipments – and just about anything. Turvo delivers all of this, and provides a big advantage for today’s logistics providers.

Feedback from customers and staff and lost critical features, coupled with ongoing communication and relationship building from Turvo’s side, particularly Anthony’s commitment to maintaining their partnership, led Neon Logistics to reconsider their decision and return to Turvo.

Lessons Learned

The experience brought valuable lessons to the forefront for Neon Logistics. Cody emphasized the importance of not underestimating the value of internal communication and collaboration tools offered by Turvo. He also highlighted the critical role of staying updated with technology and working within the confines of the TMS as designed to extract maximum value. This journey underscored the necessity of viewing technology partners not merely as vendors but as strategic partners invested in mutual success.

Embracing Partnership and Looking Ahead

This story is more than a case of technology reevaluation; it’s a narrative about growth, partnership, and strategic resilience. Neon Logistics’ return to Turvo was not just a reinstatement of a service provider but a renewal of a partnership grounded in trust, transparency, and shared goals. The journey ahead for Neon Logistics and Turvo is bright, with a shared commitment to leveraging technology for supply chain excellence.

Anthony’s reflections on customer success and partnership resonate with businesses across the spectrum, emphasizing the importance of alignment, strategic planning, and the relentless pursuit of growth and improvement. Meanwhile, Turvo’s commitment to innovation and customer success remains a beacon for companies navigating the complex landscape of supply chain technology.


For businesses navigating their own technology decisions, the journey of Neon Logistics and Turvo offers critical lessons in the value of partnership, thorough evaluation, and the courage to embrace change for the better. As we look ahead, the success of such partnerships continues to illuminate the path for supply chain innovation, proving that with the right partner, the grass is not only greener but also leads to a more prosperous and efficient future.

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