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TMS benefits

What Are the Top 7 TMS Benefits

Managing and monitoring the modern supply chain network remains a complex and involved task, even in the best times. Thankfully, the integration of transportation management system (TMS) features can help improve functionality throughout the supply chain. During periods of market volatility and shifting consumer demand, it becomes more difficult to successfully control all the moving parts, which is the scope of TMS benefits. As stated by Supply Chain 24/7, TMS systems and related technology and tools are opening up doors of opportunity for shippers and carriers than ever before. Vendors find it easier to develop innovative new capabilities and integrate new technology into the supply chain network. This level of growth is expected to continue well beyond 2021. TMS benefits are vast and varied, but some key perks transportation experts can enjoy universally, no matter what industry or niche market the system services.

1) Reduced Freight Management Expenses

All jobs require some initial cost and expenses. This is especially true of the complex web of connections in the modern supply chain. Utilizing TMS can help streamline processes throughout the network, thus improving productivity and efficiency. The TMS benefits often encompass a reduction in management for trucking companies.

2) Tracking Deliveries in Real Time

Visibility and traceability are no longer just perks customers can opt for when dealing with shipments. Accurate tracking and monitoring are pretty much expected and demanded today. One of the many TMS benefits shippers can enjoy is faster and easier real-time monitoring and automated updates for every load.

3) Increased Levels of Customer Service

The habits of consumers drive the supply chain network and have a tremendous impact on services and processes from end to end. Having a well-rounded TMS in place makes it easier to keep up with shifting trends and market statuses. This allows managers to address customer service concerns accurately and satisfactorily more easily. 

4) Improved Warehouse Efficiency and Productivity

Outside of the actual shipping lines and carrier networks, another one of the TMS benefits that can significantly impact the market lies at the very start of the supply chain.  The ability to collect, analyze, and apply data allows for finer control over warehouse operations and helps improve predictive planning and logistics services. 

5) Increased Supply Chain Efficiency

Computerizations and innovative technology allow freight managers to have more control over the supply chain. Utilizing a TMS platform helps improve efficiency by streamlining and enhancing essential processes while cutting out wasted steps and obsolete methods.  Improved efficiency allows for higher profits and faster growth.

6) Use of New Delivery Capabilities

The many TMS benefits often boil down to one basic concept- improving delivery results. When delivery capabilities are desirable, success rates high, and customer expectations met, it becomes easier for the network to weather difficult times. In addition, the more options a shipper has access to, the better prepared they are to adapt and scale as needed.

7) Ongoing Network Optimization and Growth

TMS benefits also include a direct and consequential influence over the optimization and efficiency of the supply chain network. The data and insight provided by a TMS setup, and the integration of advanced technology and applications make it easier to improve and expand visibility from end to end.

Embrace a Data-Driven Strategy with a Collaborative Logistics Platform and TMS Tech Stack That Can Add Value

Taking full advantage of the modernizations available today remains a critical step in optimizing the supply chain network. The level of growth and acceptance within the transportation industry regarding innovative and automated tools shows no signs of slowing. TMS benefits are vast and varied and are likely to continue impacting the shipping and transportation industry for many years still to come. Gain a competitive advantage by utilizing the benefits of a collaborative resource that functions much like a TMS—Turvo. Contact Turvo to get started. 

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