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How Does a TMS Increase Real-Time Transportation Visibility?

The rise of logistics technology has led to customers expecting to see the locations and conditions of their packages in real-time. 

This means that logistics service providers must provide accurate and updated information to meet customer demands. 

Transportation Management Systems help logistics providers streamline and optimize their supply chains by providing real-time visibility and control of shipments.

There are 3 main benefits to using a TMS for real-time visibility: 

First, a TMS gives stakeholders full visibility into pre- and post-shipment activities rather than just during transit. 

By providing real-time visibility, anyone in the supply chain can monitor up-to-date progress from start to finish. 

This ensures fewer hiccups that can delay orders and cause customer satisfaction to plummet. 

Second, implementing a transportation management system boosts a company’s return on investment in technology. 

Real-time transparency leads to improved efficiency and more responsive service, which results in better customer loyalty that improves profits and increases ROI. 

Finally, with a modern TMS, companies can understand more with detailed analytics giving leaders a full picture of their supply chain and its operation. 

Using key performance indicators on current data makes it possible to find opportunities to bolster efficiency throughout the network. 

Visit to find out more about how a modern TMS helps businesses land new customers and delight existing ones. Turvo. The modern TMS.

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